Specialist Pruning

Pruning the right way!

Pruning is about more than just making things look tidy, it also contributes to the longevity of your plants.

New Dawn Rose Wired and Tied

If you have overgrown or old shrubs, hedges or trees we can advise on whether they can be retained or replaced & what is the correct time to renovate if possible.

Pruning done professionally

Pruning is vital to the longevity of plants. We know what needs to be cut and the best time to do so. Pruning done correctly can have benefits such as:

Examples of plants we prune:

  • Pruning Wisterias  & Clematis correctly , Climbing roses & any other climbers.
  • Pruning difficult trees such as Magnolia ,  Cherry & Fruit  & also Olive trees.
  • Thinning trees to prevent regrowth worsening the problem you are trying to manage ie size issues.
  • Pruning plants at the right time to maximise flowers & plant health.
  • Pruning difficult shrubs , for example, Hydrangea & Philadelphus (Mock orange)
  • Shaping evergreens & topiary.

We will prune to make your garden look better not just for now, but for the long term. Making use of top of the range specialist equipment we can enhance plants. Alongside transforming hedges & shrubs, turning them into unique features that add depth and character to your garden.

As we are specialists with over 25  years of experience , we have the  knowledge to do this.

Do you need professionals to prune the right way? Do you want the investment on your garden to last as long as it possibly can? Give us a call to discuss your pruning needs. Let’s see if we can help!

Do you need professionals to prune the right way? Do you want the investment on your garden to last as long as it possibly can? Give us a call to discuss your pruning needs. Let’s see if we can help!