Garden Maintenance

Seasonal Shape-Ups

The right planting will account for the changing seasons. Sowing the seeds for your garden to thrive in the polarising conditions of the British weather. However, just planning ahead isn’t enough alone to achieve a garden that can truly handle the different phases of the year.

In a dream world, mowing the grass and trimming the hedges would be all the care these aspects of your garden need. Sadly, this is not the case. Regularly mowed lawns can still become moss ridden & weedy, or simply dying off in the shade. Additionally, even cared for shrubs can become infected or overrun with pests.

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How we can help?

These are just some key things we may look to do at a seasonal interval. At the time when the buds break or the leaves fall , Spring & Autumn respectively, are the two key seasons we suggest seasonal tidy ups are required.

Additionally, if your garden has any evergreens,  these  plants will best be pruned around  May/June, at the latest.

Saying that, we offer our seasonal tidy ups year-round and would never refuse the opportunity to give our love to any garden. Winter is a great time to prune trees  & roses when they are dormant & a great time to review your garden as a whole when the bare bones are visible

Even during the winter, you can rely on us – we’re here all year.

Winter tidy & prune garden Merton (1)

If your garden needs tidy up or just a little attention, then give us a call.